
I am originally from South East Asia and I moved to the US about 11 years ago.

Cooking is my passion, in order to balance that out I chose to have and also enjoy an active and fit lifestyle. I typically run 15-20 miles a week and ride my bicycle about 10 miles a week as well. During that time I reflect on personal and romantic relationships, both past and present. Sometime thoughts about baking sneak into my head as well.

This blog was a place to air those  thoughts and ideas and sometimes a platform to vent about various things.

Running started as a way to get over a relationship, I wanted something to focus on, I found running or running found me. Since then I ran one half marathon and currently training for 2 more this year. I find running therapeutic, and hopefully in the near future I will run a whole marathon and a triathlon is definitely lingering in my thoughts.

My other passion is baking, I enjoy spending time in my kitchen, flour strewn all over the kitchen counters, music playing in the background and me just rolling and folding dough, excited about what my creation will turn out to be.

Besides that I love passionately, when I love, I give it my all, not always a good thing, but that is who I am. I jump both feet in and sometimes I come out with regrets but having learnt a lesson. I believe everything happens for a reason and this is my place to share bits and pieces of my life, my adventures and sometimes misadventures.

Hope you enjoy reading my stories as much I enjoy sharing them with you.

21 Responses to About

  1. Hello.
    I like your blog, posts, and the theme you picked! Keep on doing your thing!
    I am also a blogger from wordpress, do you mind checking out my blog? Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for leaving your link to my Meet and Greet weekly event it lured me here and I love your Blog! I decided to follow soon, I hope you will follow back! 🙂 Like you, I moved to US 13 years ago from Italy my native country. I am an artist designer I create unique jewelry inspired by nature also love photography, painting, writing, digital art etc….if you go around my blog you will see all the ways I express my creativity! Looking forward to your posts ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. yhealthy2000 says:

    I hope you had a great trip. I saw some of those great pictures you took during your amazing trip. I love your site. I wanted to recommend it to more people via the Blogger Recognition Award. I know not everyone participates in the awards system, and if you don’t, I completely understand. But you can find the details at http://wp.me/p6s2CE-8i if you’re interested. Either way, please take it as a sign of my regard for your site!


  4. yhealthy2000 says:

    I really like your blog. I went through several of your posts and enjoyed reading them. It’s hard on you to not have your parents close by…it’s a good thing you are going to go see them. Make your visit all about them, and when you return you will feel good about spending that time with them. Use flight time to sleep so that you are rested when you get off that long flight. Enjoy your trip.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I hope once I see them, my mind will be at ease, knowing I spent some time with them. I feel like it’s a ticking time bomb that is about to explode and my biggest dilemma is to try and stop it. But as apprehensive and scared as I am, I’m looking forward to spending time with them. Thank you so much for reading. I will definitely write about how the trip goes. Thank you again.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello! I have nominated you and your blog for the Leibster award! It’s a great way to build community for blogs with less than 200 followers. If you are interested in accepting your nomination, just click the link and it will send you to my page where it explains what is next! I love your blog! http://beingmaarthaa.com/2015/02/15/leibster-award/

    Liked by 1 person

  6. japidoo says:

    Hey there, I love your blog, so I’ve nominated it for the ‘one lovely blog’ award! You can find the post about it at

    One lovely blog award

    Hope you have a great day!


  7. kutukamus says:

    It sems that all fit in: after doing some running or biking, you’ll need a good meal. 🙂


  8. ywwp says:

    I admire you have so many passions and giving your time and effort for it. Blogging is good way to judge yourself.
    Few suggestions:
    1) Blog posts should be little small, rather longer. It should be read without scrolling screen will be the best. Request you to think for writing little precise and concise or break your posts into two or three.
    2) Go to Settings>Sharing, and select the checkbox – Front Page, Archive Pages, and Search Results. Now if someone visits your blog, he/she may like the post without opening the post separately. It will help you get more likes on the blog.
    regards, http://YourWellWisherProgram.wordpress.com


    • Thank you for your comments and suggestions. I will definitely change the settings. I’m still trying to figure out my way around WP.

      I try to do things that I am passionate about and make sure I try to find time for them, sometimes it leaves me exhausted, but at least I’m exhausted doing things I enjoy.

      Thank you again for reading and your feedback, I really do appreciate all suggestions and feedback.


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